
SUNYCAP By-Laws and Constitution


The name of this organization shall be, "State University of New York College Admissions Professionals" S.U.N.Y.C.A.P.


The purpose of this organization is to: foster the professional growth of the membership; develop and maintain a system of professional communication and dialogue among admissions professionals, with the guidance community and other professional organizations; serve as a professional forum for discussion of admission policies and procedures; encourage research consistent with the other purposes of this organization; and work with System Administration in the best interest of applicants and the University.


Section I.

A. All SUNY personnel who are professionally employed in an admissions function are eligible for full voting membership.

B. Associate membership is open to SUNY professionals involved in significant admissions recruitment or a marketing related function. These individuals will not hold voting privileges or be eligible to hold office or chair committees. They will receive mailings of Executive Committee minutes. They will not receive the Treasurer’s Report.

C. Emeritus membership is open to full SUNYCAP members who retire from full-time professional responsibility. Emeritus membership is to be approved by the Executive Committee. These individuals will be non-voting members and will not be eligible to hold office or chair committees. They will receive mailings of Executive Committee minutes. They will not receive the Treasurer’s Report.

D. Honorary members are individuals who do not serve in a professional capacity in SUNY but who, by their actions, demonstrate significant support of the goals and purposes of SUNYCAP. They must be nominated by a member of the Executive committee and their membership approved by a majority vote of the committee. These individuals will be non-voting members and will not be eligible to hold office or chair committees. They will receive mailings of Executive Committee minutes. They will not receive the Treasurer’s Report.

Section 2.

Members must pay dues annually to remain in good standing. The amount of dues for full and associate membership will be determined by the Executive Committee. The membership year will be from November 1 - October 31.

Section 3.

Voting membership in SUNYCAP shall be individual, thereby enabling full members to vote on an equal basis on all proposals before its membership without regard to title or position.

Section 4.

Voting shall be by individual members except when a two-thirds majority of full members shall approve a motion to vote by institution casting a single vote.

Section 5.

Voting at the annual meeting shall be by full members present.


Section 1.

President - Presiding officer of general meetings and executive committee meetings, liaison with SUNY System Administration. Term of office - 1 year

Section 2.

Past President - The Past President acts as Co-Chairperson of the Operation Inform Programs and is a voting member of the Executive Board. Term of office - 1 year.

Section 3.

President-Elect - The President-Elect will spend one year in preparation to become President for the following year. This position will significantly reduce a new President’s transition period. He/she will also participate in the planning and coordination of the Annual Spring Conference. Term of office - 1 year.

Section 4.

Vice-President - Performs the duties of the President in his/her absence, coordinates committees and programming, serves as an ex-officio member of all committees. Term of office - 2 years.

Section 5.

Secretary - The Secretary conducts all official correspondence pertaining to the organization. He/she shall notify members of all meetings. He/she shall keep and distribute the minutes of meetings to all members and shall have custody of all books and papers. He/she is responsible for all aspects of membership including soliciting new members, membership renewals, and maintaining an up-to-date roster of members. Term of office - 2 years.

Section 6.

Treasurer - Shall be responsible for the collection of fees and dues. He/she shall have charge of all funds, and shall deposit such funds in a bank or other repository designated by the Executive Committee. Such money shall be disbursed only by the Treasurer and the President for such bills that have been approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of his/her transactions; render a detailed report with vouchers at any meeting of the Executive Committee; and submit a report at the annual meetings. Term of Office - 2 years.

Section 7.

Treasurer-Elect - The Treasurer-Elect shall spend one year in preparation to become treasurer the following year. He/she will assist the Treasurer with all the duties and responsibilities of that position. The Treasurer-Elect will be elected every other year. Term of office - 1 year.

Section 8.

University Center Representative - (2) Members at large - represent the views of their respective constituent groups, encourage active participation of members and encourage membership from non-members. Representatives also take an active role in SUNYCAP committees and special projects as assigned. Term of office - 2 years.

Section 9.

University College Representative - (2) Members at large - (Arts & Science) represent the views of their respective constituent groups. Encourage active participation of members and encourage membership from non-members. Representatives also take an active role in SUNYCAP committees and special projects as assigned. Term of office - 2 years.

Section 10.

College of Technology Representative - (1) Member at large - represent the views of their respective constituent groups, encourage active participation of members and encourage membership from non-members. Representatives also take an active role in SUNYCAP committees and special projects as assigned. Term of office - 2 years.

Section 11.

Community College Representative - (3) Members at large -represent the views of their respective constituent groups, encourage active participation of members and encourage membership from non-members. Representatives also take an active role in SUNYCAP committees and special projects as assigned. Term of office - 2 years.

Section 12.

Special Mission Representative (1) Member at large. 2- year term. The Special Mission Representative will be an admissions professional involved in the recruitment of special populations. Some examples include, but are not limited to: EOC, EOP, Graduate, International, Adult Learners, Athletic, Transfer, Special Talent, Multicultural and Honors.


Section 1.

Election of officers will be conducted by the Nominations/Election Committee. Nominations for offices will be submitted by a nominating committee and the membership at large. The Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and eight members at large will be elected to two-year terms by the general membership. The members at large shall represent each institutional type, i.e. University Center (2), University College (Arts & science) (2), Colleges of Technology (1), Community Colleges (3), and Special Mission (1). The President-Elect shall be elected to a one year term every year by the general membership. The Treasurer-Elect shall be elected to a one year term every other year by the general membership. (As stated in Article IV, Section 4 of the constitution, the Vice President shall become President if the Office is vacated because of resignation or inability of the incumbent to serve). No Executive Committee member may serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 2.

For election other than President-Elect and Treasurer-Elect, records of votes will be kept. If an officer other than the President-Elect and the Treasurer-Elect resigns, the replacement of incumbent officers who vacate their positions prior to the end of their term shall be as follows:

(A) Remaining candidates for that position from the most recent election in order of most votes received.

(B) When candidate list is exhausted, the president shall appoint a replacement with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 3.

In the event of a tie, a re-vote will be called for the subject office.

Section 4.

Newly elected officers will assume their respective offices upon announcement of the election results or as soon as thereafter practical.


The Executive Committee, composed of all elected officers and the Past-President, shall carry on the routine business of the organization and promote the growth and development of the organization.


Section 1.

Executive committee will meet as necessary and appropriate to conduct the business of the organization. There shall be at least one annual business meeting for the general membership each year. Each Executive Committee member must attend 2/3 of Executive committee meetings in order to remain on the committee.

Section 2.

Parliamentary Authority - the business of the organization will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order (revised) except where such rules are not consistent with the by-laws of this organization. The President and Executive Committee shall appoint a Parliamentarian to resolve questions of order.

Section 3.

(A) Annual Business Meeting Quorum - A simple majority of those in attendance at the annual business meeting constitutes a quorum.

(B) Executive Committee Meeting Quorum - A simple majority of elected executive committee members constitutes a quorum.


The fiscal year for this organization shall be June 1 to May 31.


The committees of this organization shall consist of such standing and special committees as determined by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. The chairperson(s) of standing committees may serve for no more than two consecutive two-year terms and must attend at least two thirds of the scheduled Executive Committee meetings. All committees shall submit written reports at least annually to the Executive committee and at the annual business meetings.

Updated 2/7/03

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